torsdag 18. oktober 2012


Endelig term break! Eller, vil ikke akkurat kalle det en break for jeg har FEM friggin essays å skrive pluss to prøver jeg må lese til. Dette er det jeg må gjøre i psykologi og sosiologi for EN lærer. Har selvfølgelig et essay for hver av de to andre lærerne i psykologi og sosiologi også. 

Message to Y12 Psychology and Sociology - It goes without saying that if you are looking to do well in your A Levels, you need to keep up with the work - you will notice that there is a formal assessment immediately after half term in the form of a 'mini mock'.  These exams are extremely important, as they allow me to judge whether you can cope in such settings, without the resources that you are used to at the moment and reliant on your brains...SPECIFIC WORKY12 Psychology - Complete files so up to date.  Revise the following topics (first six powerpoints basically on resources drive)- what is attachment, types of attachment, attachment in humans including individual differences and explanations of attachment (Bowlby and Learning Theory)  Revise vocabulary too - this will form part of my exam, but won't necessarily on the exam i.e. attachment, strange situation, temperament, sensitivity, stage theory, Bowlby's monotropy hypothesis, hierarchy, Internal Working Model, imprinting, innate, conditioning, classical, operant, punishment, reward, positive reinforcement, learning theory, social learning theory, modelling etc).  Assessment by 50 minute examination on these areas.Y12 Sociology - Complete Social Policy assessment from the text book and ensure folders are up to date.  Said I would give you a seen question as part of an exam, so, revise Couples (first subject we did, questions will NOT be the same as you have already done) - topics are Division of Labour, Joint roles, segregated roles, nuclear families and why it is so common, functionalist ways of looking at the family, feminism, Marxism, changes in role of housewife, Paid work, commercialisation of housework, dual burden and triple burden, gender roles and scripts, domestic violence.You will get asked 3 short questions (2 mark, 4 marks and 6 marks) and this seen question based on the following source and the previous revision list - all of the exam needs to be finished in 50 minutes in the first lesson back (arrive promptly to lesson to give yourself most time)  Goes without saying, prepare thoroughly and you should be fine with this; failure to do so may harm your chances of being entered in January:"Feminists take a critical view of the family. They argue that family life maintains and promotes gender inequality. For example, this is reflected in the domestic division of labour. Housework and childcare in the family, which are carried out mainly by women, are unpaid and hardly recognised as work at all. However, some sociologists suggest that feminist theories ignore the extent of family diversity. In fact, family roles and relationships are varied and therefore women’s experiences of family life are more diverse than some feminists suggest."Seen Question - "Using material from Item 2B and elsewhere, assess the contribution of feminist sociologists to an understanding of family roles and relationships."

I tillegg har jeg to essays i engelsk. :D :D :D :D

På mandag skal vi til Liverpool og bare chimme, blir gøy! Ellers skal jeg sove og skrive essays. Dette er virkelig ikke hva jeg så for meg. Vel vel. I dag fant jeg ut at jeg har en eksamen i juni...... Selv om vi hele tiden har blitt fortalt at vi blir ferdige med alle eksamener i mai! Vi har nemlig en ferie fra 24 mai til 3 juni og jeg trodde jeg kom til å være ferdig med alle eksamener før den tid MEN neida.

Livet som utvekslingsstudent er hardt. Ikke forvent å slappe av og explore England hvis du vil være utvekslingsstudent. Heller ikke velg EF. EF er bra og veldig kjappe i Norge, men de suger i England. Treige og konservative og finnes ikke fleksible. 

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